Monday, November 29, 2010

Where does confidence really come from?

Some people appear naturally confident but guess what? They've learned how to be that way from just a single idea. How did it happen and who instill that idea?

A child usually possesses ideas but limited. And this ideas are fragile, changeable and easily thrown away. Every idea instilled in the mind of a child is as important as a seed planted in the soil. Every mind is capable of raising an idea. And every idea has the ability to transform a person.

Let's take a look at great men in the world. Let's mention a few like Leonardo the Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Pierre and Marie Curie including Irene their daughter. Why do you think they became great? Why have they proven something? Was it just natural? Was it all fate? Sometimes we say yes. But it wasn't as simple as that.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that simple ideas like "You can do it!" or " I believe you" is already a big deal for a vulnerable mind such as that of a child. Let us not forget that an example of faith from the people in an environment could be the seed of a child's faith as well.

So parents install the greatest part of the confidence that a single child possesses. And this is acquired through the gestures and words that any parent could do.

I've seen a few children who are afraid of taking exams or joining competitions. Why do you think they behave this way? And why others are not? Because it's all in the mind. Everyone is not worried about failing but anxious about losing the confidence that the closest people have upon each of us.

Why the people I've mention above became great? It's all because they had the trust and the faith that their loved one's had to them. Great trust I believe. It made a person fully confident. And surely raise another confident person like Pierre and Marie Curie.

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