Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Which one is for me, Netbook or Laptop?

Kids naturally love to play with toys--miniature dinosaurs and cars. Funny but not only kids love miniature stuff. There is this one in the electronic industry who made a constant modification to miniaturize bulky gadgets to a much smaller one. One example to this is the recently launched netbook.

How does it work? How is it compared to its elder sister laptop? And more than that consumers are now raising this questions saying, "Which one is for me? Netbook or Laptop?" You probably wish to have a new laptop because it is portable and its more of a personal.

Recent statistic shows that an estimated 39% of Americans now own laptop computer. And around the world is increasing in dispersion. But if you take this information seriously, I would suggest you to have netbook instead of laptop. If you are one of those who are fascinated with everything smaller, then I believe netbook makes a lot of sense.

Netbook is two-third the size of a typical laptop screen but a much enjoyable stuff to browse. Internet browsing and e-mailing seem to be the primary function of this. Laptop maybe copious a larger hard drives as well as a bigger amount of memory. But today, there's always a room for a bigger market, to a much handy, enjoyable fascinating style, trendy, and a more advance gadget for the net world. Not to mention the product's cost, it's less expensive. What do you think?

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