Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why are we out of track in life most of the time?

Why are we out of track in life most of the time? Why do we just want to follow the people around us?Are we hoping to be right because they are? There are thousands of questions in this life. But I believe only a few of us asked the essence of our existence.

I usually ask students with this question, "What is the purpose of life?" Interesting question that sometimes ignite a person to give an annotated answer. But of all the answers that I gathered, I had this interesting story of a student named Daniel.

He said he doesn't really know what life means and so as its purpose. Most of his actions are made without further reflections and they were not directed to a certain aim. He thought, what the common people are doing is right. And acquiring all sorts of achievements would made him feel satisfied.

But with all honesty, he humbles himself and said, never in his life did he feel a bit of contentment. That he maybe is just one of the wanderers in this world. He recalled a story an realize. That once in his life, he was crazy of computer games. In the game, he tend to collect all the necessary stuff that would made him powerful enough to complete a task and eventually level-up. But the more he advanced in level the more he craved to magnify his position in the game.

But one time, as he was there on top looking at the other competitors, he found out that all the efforts he made was in vain. The achievements, he thrived to have never give him any happiness at all but emptiness. And questioned why was he playing the game? Why did he go on? Was that what he expect to have?

Like Daniel most of the time we thought life is about winning a contest, saving a lot of money, or maybe possessing properties. Not realizing that genuine happiness in life can't be found in the things we want to have but the things we always have but never recognize.

Love, peace, faith, contentment, friendship, trust and many more that doesn't require us from competing. Anyone who possesses all these have lived life to the fullest. Not following other people but one's heart.

Now, Daniel is hoping to be very happy. He said, he want to find love and be loved. He wants tofollow his heart and never be lost again.

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